
Franziska Johanna Albrecht


Morocco, Turkey, Afghanistan, USA – Franziska has been on the road quite a bit. After working for several years at various German missions abroad, she decided to change direction and studied environmental and energy law in Kassel. After that, she worked at the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation for two years. Franziska joined GLI in April 2022 because “doing worthwhile work for me means championing the protection and rights of my fellow human beings and the biosphere. The climate and biodiversity crises are the greatest challenges of our time, and I firmly believe that the law can and must make an important contribution towards overcoming both.”

E-mail: albrecht[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-64

Leonie Blankenstein


Leonie Blankenstein is a law student and has been supporting GLI – and the field of Climate Justice in particular – as a research assistant since May 2022. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Global Governance and Public Policy and focuses on climate and environmental law issues in her law studies. “Lawyers support people and communities in their struggle for climate justice – I’m excited to gain insight into this work while still in law school and to support GLI in this endeavor.”

E-mail: blankenstein[at]

Marie Bohlmann


Marie Bohlmann is a fully qualified lawyer and has been part of the GLI team since April 2022. After studying German and French law in Paris and Cologne and passing her first state law exam, she completed her legal clerkship at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the Society for Civil Rights (GFF e.V.) in Berlin, and the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, among others. “I really enjoy being able to use my legal skills at GLI to support environmental actors. It is motivating and rewarding to be able to actively contribute to environmental and climate protection.”

E-mail: bohlmann[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-63

Henrike Lindemann


After several inspiring years in the change and transformation scene, Henrike Lindemann is back in the field of environmental law as Managing Director of GLI since the beginning of 2021. Already from 2010 to 2013, she worked as a lawyer in the anti-coal campaign of Deutsche Umwelthilfe. Before that, she had been politically active in the context of international climate negotiations, in addition to her law studies in Frankfurt (Oder) and legal clerkship (both with a focus on international and European law as well as environmental law). “Many environmental associations use access to justice – but so far there has been no actor in Germany that has explicitly and urgently protected and strengthened it. We want to close this gap with GLI and support environmental and climate protection organizations in doing so.”

E-mail: lindemann[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-61

Judith Hartmann


Judith Hartmann studied political science, law and intercultural communication in Munich and research architecture in London. She has been involved in nonparty political education for young adults and non-profit organizations for over 20 years. She has worked in various roles in NGOs, foundations and social enterprises, most recently as a member of the management board and partner at the HR consultancy Talents4Good. “GLI and its partners are paving the way for rapid and substantial developments in climate protection – exactly what we urgently need right now. I want current and potential funders to have everything they need to support our important work in the best possible way.”

E-mail: hartmann[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-69

Emmanuel Schlichter


Emmanuel Schlichter is a fully qualified lawyer with an LL.M. in International Law and International Political Economy from the University of Kent and joined the GLI team in 2023. He has experience in the NGO sector and in legal work. In 2022, he founded Rechte der Natur e.V. (an NGO focusing on the rights of nature) and worked for the environmental rights organization Client Earth. “As the climate and biodiversity crisis continues, it is critical to direct resources towards sustainable change. For me, it’s a privilege to be involved in an organization advocating for exactly this change through legal means, and I am pleased to be able to make a contribution to society.”

E-mail: schlichter[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-66

Philipp Schönberger


Philipp Schönberger is a fully qualified lawyer and joined GLI in May 2022. Previously, he studied international relations and law in Dresden and Berlin and worked, among others, at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Berlin, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, as well as in various administrative law firms. “The global struggles to limit climate change and biodiversity loss are increasingly being fought in legal forums. The law can contribute significantly to this effort, and I am pleased to join GLI in supporting the climate and environmental movement through legal means.”

E-mail: schoenberger[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-65

Tatjana Thiel


Tatjana Thiel holds a degree in economics with a focus on sustainability and justice issues. She was a committed environmental activist at Greenpeace and other NGOs for several years. At ProVeg she developed the administrative and association structures. Her motivation for GLI: “The approach of GLI to strategically advocate for overarching environmental regulatory concerns is inspiring. As an administrative all-rounder, I can actively help shape the association’s development in a needs-oriented fashion. In addition, I can help build a cross-movement legal aid network to help activists get justice.”

E-mail: thiel[at]

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-62

Katharina von Busch


Katharina von Busch is studying political science and law with a focus on environmental governance and international human rights protection. After being involved in climate and environmental activism for years as a teenager, she has been supporting GLI since February 2024, primarily in the area of legal protection and work on implementation of the Aarhus Convention.

E-mail: vonbuschl[at]


Green Legal Impact Germany e.V.
Greifswalder Str. 4
D-10405 Berlin (Germany)

Phone: +49 30 235 97 79-60
E-mail: post[at]

Our office is located in Berlin downtown in the “Haus der Demokratie” (House of Democracy and Human Rights) at the 5th floor (staircase A | 2nd courtyard).


From Berlin’s main railway station you can reach us within 20 minutes. From there, take the S-Bahn (suburban train) three stops eastward to “Alexanderplatz”. There, take the tram line M4 (direction Falkenberg | Hohenschönhausen) and get off at the stop “Am Friedrichshain”. The “Haus der Demokratie” is located directly at the tram stop.

Within the city we can also be reached by bus lines 200 and 142. The bus stop is also called “Am Friedrichshain”.